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Jun 16, 2024: It's been a minute

Hey Everyone,

I know its been a minute since my last blog, but here’s an update on my last 7 weeks!


Just to add, Tim Cook is the CEO …

Apr 21, 2024: My Back Story - Part Deux

Hey Everyone,

As promised, here’s the latest on my back and what the plan is!

Let’s do this!


Apr 14, 2024: My Back Story

Hello There,

It’s been a while! Apologies.

Listen to My Back Story to find out what’s been going on:-

(p.s. I changed mics, the audio is …

Feb 10, 2024: StevieTV Recommends - The Traitors

The Traitors Logo

In this episode I give my review of The Traitors.

No spoilers in this one :)


Feb 4, 2024: StevieTV Recommends - Schitts Creek

Welcome to my first episode of StevieTV Recommends.

In this episode I give my review of Schitt Creek.

I can’t promise there won’t be …

Feb 4, 2024: A New Logo

As mentioned in my previous audio blog, I’ve come up with a logo to represent me and this blog.

I kinda like it, thoughts?

New Logo for my blog, Stevie sat in his wheelchair portrayed as a caricature

Feb 4, 2024: Weekly Catch Up - More is Coming

Hey Everyone,

Apologies for the slightly longer than expected gap, here’s a update for you.

Next up will be some StevieTV recommendations. …

Jan 28, 2024: The Art of Salad: A Delicious and Nutritious Journey - Created by AI

A lovely looking salad

Continuing my journey to more healthy eating, I asked AI to help me with some salad inspiration.


Salads have come a long way from …

Jan 26, 2024: A Healthy Attempt

I never expected to be writing a blog like this, but here we are.

I’m well aware that I’m not at my fittest and could do with a little bit …

Jan 21, 2024: Podcast Episode 8 - A Quick Catch Up

Podcast Episode 8 - A Quick Catch Up

Hey Everyone,

Just a quick catch up this week.


Jan 14, 2024: Podcast Episode 7 - Gladiators and Wheelchairs

Two very different subjects this week.

The return of Gladiators and new wheelchair shopping, mixing it up a little.

I’ve alo let AI lose on …

Jan 11, 2024: Norway Cruises Restricted After 2025

Following on from my recent blog on Cruising and my love of Norway, particularly the Norwegian Fjords.

I hadn’t realised at the time, after 2025 …

Jan 6, 2024: Podcast Episode 6 - Cruising

Hey Everyone, Welcome to 2024 and Podcast Episode 6.

I thought i’d tell you a bit about my experience cruising on ships and the places we …

Dec 31, 2023: Podcast Episode 5 - StevieTV Review 2023

It’s the last day of 2023 today, you know what that means. My StevieTV review.

For the first time, I’m going to record my thoughts, listen …

Dec 29, 2023: Remember These?! - Mobile Phone Nostalgia Writing this post is probably going to make me feel old. (Amended slightly to correct the timeline) I’m in the middle of a “Digital Clean …

Dec 27, 2023: Podcast Episode 4 - Christmas 2023

I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas!

Podcast Episode 4 covers my last few days, feel free to listen below.

Dec 23, 2023: Almost perfect

I’m pretty impressed that I got this so well lined up. Normally it would be going half way around the edge and the top.

It’s always the last present …

Dec 23, 2023: Podcast Episode 3 - Is Die Hard A Christmas Film?

You know what they say, go big or go home!

My latest podcast covers one of the most controversial / debated Christmas subjects.

What counts as a …

Dec 21, 2023: Podcast Episode 2 - How Do I Sound?

Back with another quick podcast, using a new setup.

How do i sound?

i talk about biscuts as well.


Dec 20, 2023: Yorkshire Puddings with Christmas dinner?

Traditionally, I would have never included Yorkshire Puddings with my Christmas dinner / lunch. But a few years ago I gave it a whirl and …

Dec 17, 2023: What is StevieTV?

What is StevieTV?


Back in February 2016, (wow I didn’t realise it was that long ago), I wanted to finally watch the X Files, I know …

Dec 16, 2023: Podcast Episode 1 - Podcasts Are Back!

I’m really getting back into the swing of things now.

My first blog in years, now a podcast (of sorts)

Hopefully lots more content to come. …

Dec 15, 2023: Dr Who This may contain spoilers I became a fan of Dr Who when Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper rebooted the series back in 2005. I guess you could say …

Dec 15, 2023: Hello World Hello everyone, I haven’t “blogged” for years, it was something i really enjoyed so thought i’d give this a try to see if i csn get back into it. My …