Hey everyone, welcome back, it is indeed the 1st of February, we finally made it through January.

When I first started January it was absolutely flying by, the first, second week, even the third week, absolutely flying.

But then the last week just dragged on and on and on, felt like the longest week in the world to get to February, so much so that I had to take a day off on Friday to make it end quicker.

But that being said, January was pretty good, it’s been a decent start to the year, lots of stuff going on, lots of exciting things happening and I’m pretty happy with how things have started.

However, I think we’re about to experience a bit of deja vu, because I’m about to cover the same subject that I did at a very very similar time last year.

And for that I somewhat apologise, I promise there’s some more exciting content coming soon.

Not that this isn’t exciting by the way, this really is.

So what am I talking about?

Well, January was that time of the year again, where The Traitors UK returned to our TVs for Season 3 and I was really really happy it was back.

I love Seasons 1 and 2, particularly how Season 2 ended last year.

It was brutal, savage and a really well played game.

You wouldn’t have thought it could have been topped would you?

The end of Season 2 was brilliant.

I went into Season 3 thinking it can’t be as good as last year.

But how wrong was I?

Season 3 of The Traitors UK has been an incredible season.

Obviously they’ve watched the previous two seasons, they’re a little bit street smart, they’re a little bit savvy, they understand what the game is going to be and they had that in mind when they started.

This was circumvented to an extent to some of the new rules that came this time round.

The biggest one being in the final episode, when they’re voting to end the game or continue, every time they vote for someone to leave, they reveal whether they’re a faithful or a traitor.

In Season 3 they didn’t do that.

At the end, for the final five, as they were eliminated from the game, they didn’t reveal whether they were a faithful or a traitor.

As you can imagine, this kept the suspense up for a little bit longer and it was a nail-biting end to the season.

So let’s just rewind slightly and I will try to not put any spoilers in here, but I will caveat that there could be spoilers, so if you don’t want to risk it, I would stop listening now, I would watch Season 3 and then I would come back and listen to this podcast.

From the get-go, you could tell that no one in this season trusted anyone.

There was absolutely no trust between any of the contestants.

They all thought that everyone else was up to something or something else was going on and the tiniest little bit of information, A, they remembered it forever, so it could have been said three or four days ago, but when they get round to the table they’re like, ooh, on Tuesday at 8 to 8pm, you said this and that made me change my opinion of you.

I’m now suspicious.

It was like they all had notebooks and were writing everything down and then they could play it back days later to the minute of when it was said.

Very unusual, but I guess they were trying to keep track of everything that was going on.

But then B, the smallest conversation with a tiny opinion in it could pivot someone’s view in seconds and it may just be totally out of place to what’s been said before.

They may just think, oh, I think Stephen’s a traitor.

Oh yeah, you’re right, I think he is too, based on nothing.

Everything else they’ve kind of learned and know from the previous episodes, all of that goes out the window.

But that tiny conversation has changed that person’s view and then everyone jumped on board with it, which changed how the round table played out.

And that was really frustrating because it felt like they didn’t trust anyone and they were just making really rash decisions based on very, very little information.

But you know what?

It actually made it a much more exciting season.

If we come down to sort of the last three episodes, I couldn’t wait for the next one.

Here comes the spoilers that I warned you about.

The way Charlotte was playing, she was in it for herself.

She was a brilliant traitor, although she came into it late to the party because she was recruited.

She knew what she wanted and she was absolutely trying to play the game.

Now unfortunately, it didn’t go entirely to plan for Charlotte, but I think it made it really exciting.

And the downfall for her, which was a new feature this season, was called the seer.

The final three episodes revealed a new feature of the traitors this year.

And that feature was the role of the seer.

For those that don’t know, the seer has the ability to reveal someone’s true identity.

In this case, it was the identity of a contestant and whether they were a traitor or whether they were a fateful.

There was a mission to determine who the seer was going to be and essentially it was the contestant that got the most gold coins.

I actually wanted Leanne to be the seer because she could have gone ages ago.

There was multiple times when she was almost called out as a traitor around the round table.

But Alexander decided that he wanted to get a fateful into that position and he really really believed that Frankie, Francesca, was a fateful.

To be fair, he was right.

Frankie was a fateful.

And his help giving Frankie his gold coins meant that she received the role of the seer.

Frankie, as the seer, could pick one other contestant that she either believed was a fateful or a traitor and could then prove whether she was correct.

Frankie was torn.

She didn’t know which direction to go in.

Did she use it to confirm someone that she believed to be fateful and understand that that person was who they said they were or did she try and use it to identify a traitor?

The route Frankie went down was to confirm that someone she believed to be fateful was indeed fateful.

However, she was soon to be proved wrong.

Frankie chose Charlotte and her goal was to prove that Charlotte was fateful.

However, Charlotte was a traitor and that revelation was incredible, it was a brilliant bit of TV.

It certainly kept me gripped to the edge of my seat while this episode was playing out.

The moment that Charlotte revealed that she was a traitor, you could see the kind of shock on Frankie’s face.

This is where it got really interesting.

It was ultimately their word against each other’s.

Frankie had to go out there and basically tell the others that Charlotte was a traitor and Charlotte had to go out there and defend that she was fateful.

That played out really well.

At that point in time, I wanted Charlotte to win as a traitor.

Unfortunately, that didn’t play out.

Around the round table, that’s hard to say, around the round table, the others heard what they had to say, they heard Frankie’s argument and they believed that Charlotte was a traitor and she was voted to leave that night.

They were right, Charlotte was a traitor.

She was the last traitor in the contestants that were left.

The remaining four contestants were all fateful.

Wow, this is getting really exciting.

Brilliant TV, I loved it.

So they get to the final round, four contestants remaining and they have to decide whether there is any traitors left within their midst or they’re all fateful and they win the game together.

As I mentioned earlier, they weren’t going to reveal whether or not they were a traitor or fateful as they left the game.

I missed a really important point earlier.

When Charlotte left, it was not announced whether she was a fateful or a traitor.

They didn’t know.

Really important point.

Apologies that I missed it.

Back to the final four.

We know that they’re all fateful.

But coming back to the point that I said earlier on, no one trusted each other.

No trust, no belief in anyone at all.

To be fair, they all believed that there was another traitor amongst them.

So they continued to play the game and they continued to vote out two more people until you get to the final two and essentially the game ends at that point.

It gets revealed whether or not there’s any traitors left or whether or not they’re all fatefuls.

Even at that point, the final two, Leanne and Jack, still didn’t trust each other.

They didn’t trust each other at all and that continued on right until the very end.

They didn’t know that they were both fateful.

However, it was soon revealed that they were both fateful, there were no traitors left and they were going to win the game and split the money between them and that was the end of season three.

Honestly, brilliant television.

If you haven’t watched The Traitors UK yet, absolutely do.

Season one of The Traitors was good, season two was better and season three was by far the best season we’ve seen so far.

I know there was people that didn’t enjoy season three for one reason or another and you can’t please everyone.

Some people are going to love it, some people are going to hate it, but for me and the group of people that I watched The Traitors with, which I highly recommend by the way, set up a WhatsApp group.

It really adds to the tension and it really keeps you engaged with the show.

I think it definitely added something to season three for me this year.

So get a group of people that love The Traitors and talk about it, share your thoughts and watch it live.

I think that’s really important.

Don’t wait and watch it later or watch it separately.

So there we go.

Traitors season three, it’s available on iPlayer.

Go and watch it.

12 episodes.

Brilliant, brilliant TV.

Where does that leave me now?

What am I going to watch next?

I don’t know whether I’m going to watch more Traitors.

I did dip my toe into The Traitors US last year.

I didn’t like it.

I’m not sure if that’s because I didn’t get on with the people that were in there and I need to give it another try.

But I think the Australia version is the one that I’m going to try next.

But for right now, I’ve switched back to The Night Agent because The Night Agent season two is out on Netflix.

Season one was great.

I hope season two is as good.

You never know.

I might talk about that at some point in the future.

That was my quick review of The Traitors.

I’ll be back with a life update in a few days.

I’ve had a busy couple of weeks with what’s been going on.

Lots of exciting stuff happening.

Lots of decisions to make.

And I just think it would be great for me to document that as well.

So that update is coming next and I will speak to you all very, very soon.