Hey everyone, welcome to podcast episode 8.

I’m probably going to stop giving the episode number after about episode 10 and then I’ll probably just lose track of where I’m at and just give you a title of some sort I would imagine.

But I hope everyone’s doing well.

I thought I’d give you a quick catch up on where I’m at and what I’m up to and some of the plans I’ve been thinking about.

So obviously this blog is still quite new, these podcasts are still quite new.

There’s been a few different subjects over the last few weeks from gladiators to Stevie TV to wheelchairs etc.

So I think that kind of randomness is going to remain but I am still working on some sort of structure and some sort of regularity.

So this is my second weekly podcast so I’ve managed to do two in a row now at the weekend which is great.

In terms of theming I’ve still got some more work to do.

I want to get some subjects out there that are more regular.

One of those areas would be Stevie TV.

My current idea is doing what I recommend and what I don’t recommend.

So shows I’ve liked and shows I haven’t enjoyed, giving them a quick review, no more than five minutes, should you watch it, should you avoid it and go from there.

That’s slowly coming together.

I’ll probably start doing that in the next week or so.

If anyone’s got any recommendations or even if you want to give your own opinion, you may even consider the odd guest.

If you’re interested in being my first guest then please reach out and we’ll try and make it awesome.

So I think that could be a regular theme and there’ll gradually be more throughout the year as well.

I’m really looking forward to doing that and we’ll get that off the ground soon.

Last week I opened up a little bit about wheelchairs and what that looks like.

I’ve got my meeting coming up to demo some chairs very soon.

Once I’ve done that I will do a deeper dive into how it works, funding options, customisation options, roughly how long it takes for the chair to be delivered.

I should be getting about three different quotes so I can go through all of those and I can give you the pros and cons of each chair and then hopefully my decision on which chair I’m going to go ahead with.

It may take a little bit of time just to make sure there’s nothing else out there on the market that I’m interested in.

It’s something that I’m going to be using every single day.

It’s not a rush purchase that I decide on overnight.

One of the other ideas that I’m going to talk about and this is a subject that I know nothing about but it’s something we all need to go through and it’s a bit boring.

I’ve decided that I’m going to be on a diet this year for the first few months.

I’ve actually officially started it and it’s just about changing my food, getting a bit more exercise and you know taking it easy like small steps, nothing crazy and just understanding the impact that can have.

I may talk about that.

I may talk about some of the stuff that I’m trying to eat.

I’m sure people will say you shouldn’t eat that or that’s still bad for you or you’re not making any difference.

Look I’m not trying to be perfect, I’m just trying to go on my own journey and try my own things and I think if I cut out some of the things I know that aren’t great like bread for example and replace it with something that’s a bit healthier then surely that’s a step in the right direction.

So I may talk about that, I may not.

I haven’t decided on that just yet so we will see.

I’m going to keep this blog fairly short this week because I know I’ve done a couple of long ones recently.

End of last week I mentioned on the blog that I let AI do my editing or at least assist with my editing.

I used a company called Descript which I will link to in the blog.

Basically what it does is you record your podcast as normal, it then transcribes that podcast into text and then you essentially edit the audio file by editing the text.

So if you want to delete stuff you can do that, if you want to add in additional things you can do that as well.

It will actually use AI to synthesize your voice, I’ve not tried that yet so that’s not in my podcast.

But just in terms of doing that initial edit of taking out all the bits I got wrong or all the bits that I re-recorded it did massively speed up my editing last week so I’ll probably continue to use that.

At the moment I’m on their free plan which I believe gives you an hour of editing a month which doesn’t sound like a lot.

If I do short five to ten minute podcasts that should allow me to do four a month, give or take a couple of longer ones.

I’m not necessarily going to be podcasting every single week there will be other blogs as part of this as well.

So for the moment it’s a good first pass and it does speed up the process but I’ll continue to give my feedback.

Like I say I will link it in the blog below and that’s probably it for this week.

I will come back with more exciting things, I’ve got some more subjects planned but believe it or not I’m actually putting in some work before I finish talking about them so at least they’re semi-factual rather than me just rambling on about what I think.

So yeah thank you very much for listening and we will speak soon.